Source code for plinth.frontpage

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Manage application shortcuts on front page."""

import json
import logging
import pathlib

from plinth import app, cfg
from plinth.modules.users import privileged as users_privileged

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Shortcut(app.FollowerComponent): """An application component for handling shortcuts.""" _all_shortcuts = {}
[docs] def __init__(self, component_id, name, short_description=None, icon=None, url=None, description=None, manual_page=None, configure_url=None, clients=None, login_required=False, allowed_groups=None): """Initialize the frontpage shortcut component for an app. When a user visits this web interface, they are first shown the frontpage. It's primary contents are the list of shortcuts to services that user may use on the server. If a service requires logging in, it does not show up to anonymous users. If a service requires a user to be part of a group, that service is only shown to those users. 'component_id' must be a unique string across all apps and components of a app. Conventionally starts with 'shortcut-'. 'name' is the mandatory title for the shortcut. 'short_description' is an optional secondary title for the shortcut. 'icon' is used to find a suitable image to represent the shortcut. 'url' is link to which the user is redirected when the shortcut is activated. This is typically the web interface for a particular service provided by the app. For shortcuts that should simply additional information this value must be None. 'description' is additional information that the user is shown when the shortcut is activated. This must be provided instead of 'url' and must be 'None' if 'url' is provided. 'manual_page' is the optional name of the page for this app in the user manual. If provided, a 'Learn more...' link appears in the app page for this app. 'configure_url' is the page to which the user may be redirected if they wish to change the settings for the app or one of its services. This is only used when 'url' is 'None'. It is optionally provided along with 'description'. 'clients' is a list of clients software that can used to access the service offered by the shortcut. This should be a valid client information structure as validated by If 'login_required' is true, only logged-in users will be shown this shortcut. Anonymous users visiting the frontpage won't be shown this shortcut. 'allowed_groups' specifies a list of user groups to whom this shortcut must be shown. All other user groups will not be shown this shortcut on the frontpage. If 'login_required' is False, this property has not effect and the shortcut is shown to all the users including anonymous users. """ super().__init__(component_id) if url is None: url = '?selected={id}'.format(id=component_id) = name self.short_description = short_description self.url = url self.icon = icon self.description = description self.manual_page = manual_page self.configure_url = configure_url self.clients = clients self.login_required = login_required self.allowed_groups = set(allowed_groups) if allowed_groups else None self._all_shortcuts[self.component_id] = self
[docs] def remove(self): """Remove this shortcut from global list of shortcuts.""" del self._all_shortcuts[self.component_id]
[docs] @classmethod def list(cls, username=None, web_apps_only=False, sort_by='name'): """Return menu items in sorted order according to current locale.""" shortcuts_to_return = cls._list_for_user(username) if web_apps_only: shortcuts_to_return = { _id: shortcut for _id, shortcut in shortcuts_to_return.items() if not shortcut.url.startswith('?selected=') } return sorted(shortcuts_to_return.values(), key=lambda item: getattr(item, sort_by).lower())
@classmethod def _list_for_user(cls, username=None): """Return menu items for a particular user or anonymous user.""" if not username: return cls._all_shortcuts # XXX: Turn this into an API call in users module and cache user_groups = set(users_privileged.get_user_groups(username)) if 'admin' in user_groups: # Admin has access to all services return cls._all_shortcuts shortcuts = {} for shortcut_id, shortcut in cls._all_shortcuts.items(): if shortcut.login_required and shortcut.allowed_groups and \ user_groups.isdisjoint(shortcut.allowed_groups): continue shortcuts[shortcut_id] = shortcut return shortcuts
def add_custom_shortcuts(): custom_shortcuts = get_custom_shortcuts() for shortcut in custom_shortcuts['shortcuts']: web_app_url = _extract_web_app_url(shortcut) if not web_app_url: continue shortcut_id = shortcut.get('id', shortcut['name']) component_id = 'shortcut-custom-' + shortcut_id component = Shortcut(component_id, shortcut['name'], shortcut['short_description'], icon=shortcut['icon_url'], url=web_app_url) component.set_enabled(True) def _extract_web_app_url(custom_shortcut): if not custom_shortcut.get('clients'): return None for client in custom_shortcut['clients']: if not client.get('platforms'): continue for platform in client['platforms']: if platform['type'] == 'web': return platform['url'] return None def get_custom_shortcuts_paths(): """Return the list of custom shortcut file paths.""" file_paths = [ '/etc/freedombox/custom-shortcuts.json', '/etc/plinth/custom-shortcuts.json', '/var/lib/freedombox/custom-shortcuts.json', '/usr/share/freedombox/custom-shortcuts.json', ] return cfg.expand_to_dot_d_paths(file_paths) def get_custom_shortcuts(): """Return a merged dictionary of all custom shortcuts.""" shortcuts = {'shortcuts': []} for file_path in get_custom_shortcuts_paths(): file_path = pathlib.Path(file_path) try: if not file_path.is_file() or not file_path.stat().st_size: continue'Loading custom shortcuts from %s', file_path) with'utf-8') as file_handle: shortcuts['shortcuts'] += json.load(file_handle)['shortcuts'] except Exception as exception: logger.warning('Error loading shortcuts from %s: %s', file_path, exception) return shortcuts