Source code for plinth.modules.coturn.components

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
"""App component for other apps to manage their STUN/TURN server configuration.

from __future__ import annotations  # Can be removed in Python 3.10

import base64
import hashlib
import hmac
import json
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from time import time

from plinth import app

TURN_REST_TTL = 24 * 3600

TURN_REST_USER = 'fbxturnuser'

TURN_URI_REGEX = r'(stun|turn):(.*):([0-9]{4})\?transport=(tcp|udp)'

[docs]@dataclass class TurnConfiguration: """Data class to hold TURN server configuration. domain is the string representing the domain name with which Coturn has been configured. This is necessary to associate the correct TLS certificate with Coturn communication. STUN/TURN URIs are generated using this. shared_secret is a string that must be used by a server to be accepted by Coturn server. This is the value set in Coturn configuration file. uris are a list of strings that represent the full set of STUN/TURN URIs that must be used by a STUN/TURN client after advice from the server. """ domain: str = None uris: list[str] = field(default_factory=list) shared_secret: str = None def __post_init__(self): """Generate URIs after object initialization if necessary.""" if self.domain and not self.uris: self.uris = [ f'{typ}:{self.domain}:3478?transport={transport}' for typ in ['stun', 'turn'] for transport in ['tcp', 'udp'] ]
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str: """Return a JSON representation of the configuration.""" return json.dumps({ 'domain': self.domain, 'uris': self.uris, 'shared_secret': self.shared_secret })
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_turn_uris(turn_uris: list[str]) -> bool: """Return whether the given TURN URI is valid.""" pattern = re.compile(TURN_URI_REGEX) return all(map(pattern.match, turn_uris))
@dataclass class UserTurnConfiguration(TurnConfiguration): """Data class to hold per-user TURN server configuration. username is a string to identify a specific user and is related to the credential. credential is a string generated for this user that must be used by a server to be accepted by Coturn server. It is generated for each user separately upon request and will expire after a set time. """ username: str = None credential: str = None def to_json(self) -> str: """Return a JSON representation of the configuration.""" return json.dumps({ 'domain': self.domain, 'uris': self.uris, 'username': self.username, 'credential': self.credential })
[docs]class TurnConsumer(app.FollowerComponent): """Component to manage coturn configuration. In order to provide audio/video calling functionality, communication servers very often use an external server such as Coturn for implementing the STUN/TURN protocol. To use Coturn, the server needs to be configured with a set of URIs provided by Coturn along with a shared secret. This component when added to an app allows the app to retrieve the current Coturn configuration and respond to any future configuration changes. """ _all = {}
[docs] def __init__(self, component_id): """Initialize the component. component_id should be a unique ID across all components of an app and across all components. """ super().__init__(component_id) self._all[component_id] = self
[docs] @classmethod def list(cls) -> list[TurnConsumer]: # noqa """Return a list of all Coturn components.""" return cls._all.values()
[docs] def on_config_change(self, config: TurnConfiguration): """Add or update STUN/TURN configuration. Override this method and change app's configuration. """
[docs] def get_configuration(self) -> TurnConfiguration: """Return current coturn configuration.""" from plinth.modules import coturn return coturn.get_config()
class TurnTimeLimitedConsumer(TurnConsumer): """Component to manage coturn configuration with time-limited credential. This component will generate a new credential upon each request, which will expire after 1 day. The shared secret is used to generate the credential, but is not provided in the configuration. """ def get_configuration(self) -> UserTurnConfiguration: """Return user coturn configuration.""" from plinth.modules import coturn static_config = coturn.get_config() timestamp = int(time()) + TURN_REST_TTL username = str(timestamp) + ':' + TURN_REST_USER credential = None if static_config.shared_secret: digest =, 'utf-8'), bytes(username, 'utf-8'), hashlib.sha1).digest() credential = base64.b64encode(digest).decode() return UserTurnConfiguration(static_config.domain, static_config.uris, None, username, credential)