# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Module to provide API for showing notifications."""
import copy
import logging
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db.models import Q
from django.template.exceptions import TemplateDoesNotExist
from django.template.response import SimpleTemplateResponse
from django.utils.translation import gettext
from plinth import cfg
from plinth.utils import SafeFormatter
from . import db, models
severities = {'exception': 5, 'error': 4, 'warning': 3, 'info': 2, 'debug': 1}
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Notification(models.StoredNotification):
"""API to create persistent global notifications to users.
The number of notifications is shown on the top navigation bar of every
page that the user loads. On clicking the notification icon, a full list of
notifications is shown as a drop down that works on both on Desktop and
Mobile interfaces.
The notification API provides the following functionality.
* Store the notifications on disk and persist them across restarts.
* Update a notification for any of its stored details.
* Show icon and name of the app that shows the notification.
* Present the notification title and message.
* Present actions that user can perform on the notification.
* Allow for full customization of content and actions of the notification.
This allows for use cases such as showing progress bar. This is done by
allowing a custom template to be used for rendering.
* Internationalization and localization of displayed notification.
* Allow the notification to be dismissed and resurrected after dismissal.
* Store arbitrary data as a dictionary along with the notification. This
data is used for formatting localized strings and for rendering the
custom template.
* Limit a notification to a group of users or to a single user.
* Retrieve a notification using specific string identifier.
* Iterate all the notifications.
* Filter notifications by app that created them, by whether the
notification meant for a particular user and by whether a notification is
dismissed or not.
* Provide a convenient way to obtain the context for rendering templates
that intend to show notifications.
This class is a wrapper over Notification model to provide a simplified
API. So, all of the Django model API is available on the class. The
following fields are present in the model:
'id' is a unique string identifier for the notification and acts as the
primary key for the stored database table. Only the following chars are
currently allowed: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, - and =. If other chars must be used, it
is recommended to use base32 encoding.
'app_id' is the unique ID of the app showing the notification.
'severity' is a string indicating the severity of the notification which
can take one of the following values: 'exception', 'error', 'warning',
'info' and 'debug'.
'title' is a user visible string that is the main heading of the
notification. 'title' may be used to show a summary of notifications even
'body_template' is used for customization. So, it is mandatory. The user
who requested the operation that caused the notification may be different
from the user that sees the notification. Each user wishes to see the
notification in their own locale. This string is stored to the disk as it
is. It is translated and then formatted with 'data' dictionary just before
showing it to the user. So, it must be marked for translation with
(u)gettext_noop but must not be translated using (u)gettext or similar
'message' is a user visible string that is the main body of the
notification. It is formatted as a single paragraph. It is not used and
must not be provided when 'body_template' is provided. It must be marked
for translation but not translated similar to 'title'.
'actions' is a list of dictionaries containing information about what
operations, such as dismiss, that the user may perform on the notification.
When not provided, no actions are shown and the notification can't be
dismissed. It is not used and must not be provided when 'body_template' is
provided. When 'body_template' is provided, the template is expected to
list its actions inside the template.
A example of 'actions' structure is as follows: [{'type': 'dismiss'},
{'type': 'link', 'class': 'warning', 'text': 'Cleanup', 'url':
'storage:index'}]. The 'type' parameter can be 'dismiss' or 'link'. When
'dismiss' is the type, no other information is necessary and a simple
action to dismiss the notification is provided. When the 'type' is 'link',
a button is shown with label provided by 'text'. The 'text' property is
must be marked for translation but not translated similar to 'title'. When
the button is clicked, it will direct the user to the Django URL indicated
by 'url'. 'class' is used for CSS styling of the button. It can taken on
any of the following values; 'primary', 'default', 'warning', 'danger',
'success', 'info'.
'body_template' is the name of the Django template to use instead of
'title', 'message' and 'actions'. It enables the the notification creator
to go beyond the simple presentation offered by default and include rich
content such as progress bars and forms inside a notification. The template
itself is expected to contain a meaningful title, body and operations to be
performed on the notification. It is an error to provide 'body_template'
and any one of 'message' and 'actions' at the same time. 'title' may still
be used when notifications are presented in other situations. The template
is rendered with 'data' as it's context. So, any key/values to be included
in the context must become part of the 'data'.
'data' is a custom dictionary that is serialized and stored along with the
notification. It is has three purposes; to format the translated strings
before showing to the user, to be used as context for rendering a custom
template and to store any extra data associated with the notification on
behalf of the it's creator for future reference. Any string value in the
dictionary, even in deeper levels, if prefixed by 'translate:' will be
translated before being used.
'created_time' is a date/time field that is automatically populated when
the notification is created.
'last_update_time' is a date/time field that is automatically modified when
the notification is updated with newer properties, including changes to the
'dismissed' property.
'user' is the username of the account to which this notification should be
shown to. When not provided or set to None, it means that the notification
is meant for all the users (subject to 'group' restriction).
'group' is the group of users to which this notification should be shown
to. When not provided or set to None, it means that the notification is
meant for all the users (subject to 'user' restriction). If a user in the
group dismisses the notification, it is no longer shown to other users. To
let each user see the notification, create multiple notifications each
restricted to a single user account instead.
'dismissed' is a boolean flag that indicates whether the notification has
been dismissed by the user.
def severity_value(self):
"""Return severity as a numeric value suitable for comparison."""
return severities[self.severity]
except KeyError:
return severities['info']
[docs] def dismiss(self, should_dismiss=True):
"""Mark the notification as read or unread.
If 'should_dismiss' is True, the notification is dismissed else the
notification is resurrected even after being dismissed.
self.dismissed = should_dismiss
with db.lock:
[docs] def clean(self):
"""Perform additional validations on the model."""
if self.severity not in ('exception', 'error', 'warning', 'info',
raise ValidationError('Invalid severity')
if self.actions:
if (self.message or self.actions) and self.body_template:
raise ValidationError(
'Either body_template or message and actions must exist')
def _validate_actions(actions):
"""Check that actions structure is valid."""
if not isinstance(actions, list):
raise ValidationError('Actions must be a list')
for action in actions:
if not isinstance(action, dict):
raise ValidationError('Action must a dictionary')
if 'type' not in action:
raise ValidationError('Action must have a type')
if action['type'] not in ('dismiss', 'link'):
raise ValidationError('Action type must be dismiss or link')
if action['type'] == 'dismiss':
if 'text' not in action or 'url' not in action:
raise ValidationError('Action must have text and url')
if 'class' in action and action['class'] not in (
'primary', 'default', 'warning', 'danger', 'success',
raise ValidationError('Invalid action class')
[docs] @staticmethod
def update_or_create(**kwargs):
"""Update a notification or create one if necessary.
'id' field will be used to retrieve the notification and all other
fields values will be updated after retrieval. If not match is found, a
new notification is created and returned.
id = kwargs.pop('id')
with db.lock:
return Notification.objects.update_or_create(
defaults=kwargs, id=id)[0]
[docs] @staticmethod
def get(key): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
"""Return a notification object with a matching ID."""
# pylint: disable=no-member
with db.lock:
return Notification.objects.get(pk=key)
except Notification.DoesNotExist:
raise KeyError('No such notification')
[docs] @staticmethod
def list(key=None, app_id=None, user=None, dismissed=False):
"""Return a list of notifications for a user.
'key' if provided, return only notifications that match this value as
their 'id'.
'app_id' if provided, return only notifications that match this
'user' must be a Django request.user structure. If provided, only
notifications that are meant for this user account specifically or
meant for any of groups that this user belongs to will be returned.
'dismissed' is the a boolean flag or None. If not None, only
notifications with the matching in their 'dismissed' field will be
filters = []
if key:
if app_id:
if user:
# XXX: Consider implementing caching for user groups
groups = user.groups.values_list('name', flat=True)
filters.append(Q(user__isnull=True) | Q(user=user.username))
filters.append(Q(group__isnull=True) | Q(group__in=groups))
if dismissed is not None:
with db.lock:
return Notification.objects.filter(*filters)[0:10]
def _translate(string_, data=None):
"""Translate a string for final display using data dict."""
if not string_:
return None
string_ = gettext(string_)
string_ = str(string_)
if data:
string_ = SafeFormatter().vformat(string_, [], data)
except (KeyError, AttributeError) as error:
'Notification missing required key during translation: %s',
return string_
def _translate_dict(data_dict, data=None):
"""Translate strings inside a data dict for display."""
if not data_dict:
return data_dict
new_dict = {}
for key, value in data_dict.items():
if isinstance(value, str) and value.startswith('translate:'):
value = value.split(':', maxsplit=1)[1]
value = Notification._translate(value, data)
elif isinstance(value, dict):
value = Notification._translate_dict(value, data)
value = copy.deepcopy(value)
new_dict[key] = value
return new_dict
def _render(request, template, context):
"""Use the template name and render it."""
if not template:
return None
context = dict(context, box_name=gettext(cfg.box_name),
return SimpleTemplateResponse(template, context).render()
except TemplateDoesNotExist:
# Developer only error, no i18n
return {'content': f'Template {template} does not exist.'.encode()}
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_display_context(request, user):
"""Return a list of notifications meant for display to a user."""
notifications = Notification.list(user=user)
max_severity = max(notifications, default=None,
key=lambda note: note.severity_value)
max_severity = max_severity.severity if max_severity else None
notes = []
for note in notifications:
data = Notification._translate_dict(note.data, note.data)
actions = copy.deepcopy(note.actions)
for action in actions:
if 'text' in action:
action['text'] = Notification._translate(
action['text'], data)
note_context = {
'id': note.id,
'app_id': note.app_id,
'severity': note.severity,
'title': Notification._translate(note.title, data),
'message': Notification._translate(note.message, data),
'actions': actions,
'data': data,
'created_time': note.created_time,
'last_update_time': note.last_update_time,
'user': note.user,
'group': note.group,
'dismissed': note.dismissed,
body = Notification._render(request, note.body_template,
note_context['body'] = body
return {'notifications': notes, 'max_severity': max_severity}