Source code for plinth.views

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
Main FreedomBox views.

import datetime
import time
import urllib.parse

from django.contrib import messages
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.http import Http404, HttpResponseBadRequest, HttpResponseRedirect
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.template.response import TemplateResponse
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from django.views.decorators.http import require_POST
from django.views.generic import TemplateView
from django.views.generic.edit import FormView
from stronghold.decorators import public

from plinth import app as app_module
from plinth.daemon import app_is_running
from plinth.modules.config import get_advanced_mode
from plinth.modules.firewall.components import get_port_forwarding_info
from plinth.package import Packages
from plinth.translation import get_language_from_request, set_language

from . import forms, frontpage, operation, package, setup


def is_safe_url(url):
    """Check if the URL is safe to redirect to.

    Based on Django internal utility removed in Django 4.0.

    if url is not None:
        url = url.strip()

    if not url:
        return False

    if '\\' in url or url.startswith('///'):
        return False

        result = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
    except ValueError:
        return False

    # Only accept URLs to the same site and scheme.
    if result.scheme or result.netloc:
        return False

    return True

def _get_redirect_url_from_param(request):
    """Return the redirect URL from 'next' GET/POST param."""
    redirect_to = request.GET.get(REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME, '')
    redirect_to = request.POST.get(REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME, redirect_to)
    if is_safe_url(redirect_to):
        return redirect_to

    return reverse('index')

def _has_backup_restore(app):
    """Return whether an app implements backup/restore."""
    from plinth.modules.backups.components import BackupRestore
    return any([
        for component in app.get_components_of_type(BackupRestore)

def index(request):
    """Serve the main index page."""
    username = str(request.user) if request.user.is_authenticated else None
    shortcuts = frontpage.Shortcut.list(username)
    selected = request.GET.get('selected')

    selected_shortcut = [
        shortcut for shortcut in shortcuts if shortcut.component_id == selected
    selected_shortcut = selected_shortcut[0] if selected_shortcut else None

    return TemplateResponse(
        request, 'index.html', {
            'title': _('FreedomBox'),
            'shortcuts': shortcuts,
            'selected_shortcut': selected_shortcut,

class AppsIndexView(TemplateView):
    """View for apps index"""
    template_name = 'apps.html'

    def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
        context = super().get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)
        context['show_disabled'] = True
        context['advanced_mode'] = get_advanced_mode()
        return context

def system_index(request):
    """Serve the system index page."""
    return TemplateResponse(request, 'system.html',
                            {'advanced_mode': get_advanced_mode()})

class LanguageSelectionView(FormView):
    """View for language selection"""
    form_class = forms.LanguageSelectionForm
    template_name = 'language-selection.html'

    def get_initial(self):
        """Return the initial values for the form."""
        return {'language': get_language_from_request(self.request)}

    def form_valid(self, form):
        """Set or reset the current language."""
        response = super().form_valid(form)
        set_language(self.request, response, form.cleaned_data['language'])
        return response

    def get_success_url(self):
        """Return the URL in the next parameter or home page."""
        return _get_redirect_url_from_param(self.request)

[docs]class AppView(FormView): """A generic view for showing an app's main page. The view and it's template may be customized but by default show the following: * Icon for the app * Name of the app * Description of the app * Link to the manual page for the app * A button to enable/disable the app * A toolbar with common actions such as 'Run diagnostics' * A status section showing the running status of the app * A form for configuring the app The following class properties are available on the view: 'app_id' is the mandatory property to set the ID of the app. It is used to retrieve the App instance for the app that is needed for basic information and operations such as enabling/disabling the app. 'form_class' is the Django form class that is used by this view. It may be None if the app does not have a configuration form. Default is None. 'template_name' is the template used to render this view. By default it is app.html. It may be overridden with a template that derives from app.html to customize the appearance of the app to achieve more complex presentation instead of the simple appearance provided by default. """ form_class = None app_id = None template_name = 'app.html'
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize the view.""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._common_status = None
[docs] def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """If operations are running on the app, use a different view.""" operations = operation.manager.filter( if operations: view = AppOperationsView.as_view( return view(request, *args, **kwargs) return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """Handle app enable/disable button separately.""" if 'app_enable_disable_button' not in request.POST: return super().post(request, *args, **kwargs) form = forms.AppEnableDisableForm(data=self.request.POST) if form.is_valid(): return self.enable_disable_form_valid(form) return HttpResponseBadRequest('Invalid form submission')
@property def success_url(self): return self.request.path @property def app(self): """Return the app for which this view is configured.""" if not self.app_id: raise ImproperlyConfigured('Missing attribute: app_id') return app_module.App.get(self.app_id)
[docs] def get_form(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return an instance of this view's form. Also the form_class for this view to be None. """ if not self.form_class: return None return super().get_form(*args, **kwargs)
def _get_common_status(self): """Return the status needed for form and template. Avoid multiple queries to expensive operations such as app.is_enabled(). """ if self._common_status: return self._common_status self._common_status = {'is_enabled':} return self._common_status
[docs] def get_initial(self): """Return the status of the app to fill in the form.""" initial = super().get_initial() initial.update(self._get_common_status()) return initial
[docs] def form_valid(self, form): """Enable/disable a service and set messages.""" if not self.request._messages._queued_messages:, _('Setting unchanged')) return super().form_valid(form)
[docs] def get_enable_disable_form(self): """Return an instance of the app enable/disable form. If the app can't be disabled by the user, return None. """ if not return None initial = { 'should_enable': not self._get_common_status()['is_enabled'] } return forms.AppEnableDisableForm(initial=initial)
[docs] def enable_disable_form_valid(self, form): """Form handling for enabling / disabling apps.""" should_enable = form.cleaned_data['should_enable'] if should_enable != if should_enable: else: return HttpResponseRedirect(self.request.path)
[docs] def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs): """Add service to the context data.""" context = super().get_context_data(*args, **kwargs) context.update(self._get_common_status()) context['app_id'] = context['is_running'] = app_is_running( context['app_info'] = context['has_diagnostics'] = context['port_forwarding_info'] = get_port_forwarding_info( context['app_enable_disable_form'] = self.get_enable_disable_form() context['show_rerun_setup'] = True context['show_uninstall'] = not context['refresh_page_sec'] = None from plinth.modules.firewall.components import Firewall context['firewall'] = context['has_backup_restore'] = _has_backup_restore( return context
class AppOperationsView(TemplateView): """View to show app page when some app operations are running.""" app_id = None # Set when app is instantiated. template_name = "app-operations.html" @property def app(self): """Return the app for which this view is configured.""" if not self.app_id: raise ImproperlyConfigured('Missing attribute: app_id') return app_module.App.get(self.app_id) def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs): """Add additional context data for template.""" context = super().get_context_data(*args, **kwargs) context['app_id'] = context['app_info'] = context['operations'] = operation.manager.filter( context['refresh_page_sec'] = 0 if context['operations']: context['refresh_page_sec'] = 3 return context class SetupView(TemplateView): """View to prompt and setup applications.""" template_name = 'setup.html' def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """Return the context data rendering the template.""" context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) app_id = self.kwargs['app_id'] app = app_module.App.get(app_id) context['app_id'] = app.app_id context['app_info'] = # Report any installed conflicting packages that will be removed. package_conflicts, package_conflicts_action = \ self._get_app_package_conflicts(app) context['package_conflicts'] = package_conflicts context['package_conflicts_action'] = package_conflicts_action # Reuse the value of setup_state throughout the view for consistency. setup_state = app.get_setup_state() context['setup_state'] = setup_state context['operations'] = operation.manager.filter(app.app_id) context['show_rerun_setup'] = False context['show_uninstall'] = ( not and setup_state != app_module.App.SetupState.NEEDS_SETUP) # Perform expensive operation only if needed. if not context['operations']: context[ 'has_unavailable_packages'] = self._has_unavailable_packages( app) context['refresh_page_sec'] = None if context['setup_state'] == app_module.App.SetupState.UP_TO_DATE: context['refresh_page_sec'] = 0 elif context['operations']: context['refresh_page_sec'] = 3 return context def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if request.method == 'POST': if 'install' in request.POST: # Handle installing/upgrading applications. # Start the application setup, and refresh the page every few # seconds to keep displaying the status. setup.run_setup_on_app(self.kwargs['app_id']) # Give a moment for the setup process to start and show # meaningful status. time.sleep(1) response = self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data()) # Post/Response/Get pattern for reloads response.status_code = 303 return response if 'refresh-packages' in request.POST: # Refresh apt package lists package.refresh_package_lists() return self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data()) return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _get_app_package_conflicts(app_): """Return packages that may conflict with packages of an app.""" components = app_.get_components_of_type(Packages) conflicts = [] conflicts_action = None for component in components: component_conflicts = component.find_conflicts() if component_conflicts: conflicts += component_conflicts if conflicts_action in (None, Packages.ConflictsAction.IGNORE): conflicts_action = component.conflicts_action return conflicts, conflicts_action @staticmethod def _has_unavailable_packages(app_): """Return whether the app has unavailable packages.""" components = app_.get_components_of_type(Packages) return any(component for component in components if component.has_unavailable_packages()) @require_POST def rerun_setup_view(request, app_id): """Re-run setup on an app. This should be safe to perform on an already setup/running app. This may be useful in situations where the app is broken for unknown reason as notified by the diagnostics tests. """ # Start the application setup, and refresh the page every few seconds to # keep displaying the status. setup.run_setup_on_app(app_id, rerun=True) # Give a moment for the setup process to start and show meaningful status. time.sleep(1) return redirect(reverse(f'{app_id}:index')) class UninstallView(FormView): """View to uninstall apps.""" form_class = forms.UninstallForm template_name = 'uninstall.html' def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize extra instance members.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) = None def setup(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize attributes shared by all view methods.""" super().setup(request, *args, **kwargs) app_id = self.kwargs['app_id'] = app_module.App.get(app_id) self.has_backup_restore = _has_backup_restore( def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """Don't allow the view to be used on essential apps.""" if raise Http404 return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs) def get_form_kwargs(self): """Return the keyword arguments for instantiating the form.""" kwargs = super().get_form_kwargs() kwargs['has_backup_restore'] = self.has_backup_restore return kwargs def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs): """Add app information to the context data.""" context = super().get_context_data(*args, **kwargs) context['app_info'] = return context def get_success_url(self): """Return the URL to redirect to after uninstall.""" return reverse(self.kwargs['app_id'] + ':index') def form_valid(self, form): """Uninstall the app.""" # Backup the app if self.has_backup_restore and form.cleaned_data['should_backup']: repository_id = form.cleaned_data['repository'] import plinth.modules.backups.repository as repository_module repository = repository_module.get_instance(repository_id) if repository.flags.get('mountable'): repository.mount() name = '%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M:%S') + ' ' + str( _('before uninstall of {app_id}')).format( repository.create_archive(name, []) # Uninstall setup.run_uninstall_on_app( return super().form_valid(form) def notification_dismiss(request, id): """Dismiss a notification.""" from .notification import Notification notes = Notification.list(key=id, user=request.user) if not notes: raise Http404 notes[0].dismiss() return HttpResponseRedirect(_get_redirect_url_from_param(request))